Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Sacrament of Waiting

A very good friend of mine reminded me of this... Thanks Hazel...

This is an article written by: Fr. James Donelan, S.J.

Enjoy and be blessed...

The English poet John Milton wrote that those who serve only also stand and wait. I think I would go further and say that those who wait render the highest form of service. Waiting requires more discipline, more self-control and emotional maturity, more unshakable faith in our cause, more unwavering hope in the future, more sustaining love in our hearts that all the greatest deeds of deering-do go by the name of action.
Waiting is a mystery - a natural sacrament of life - there is a meaning hidden in all the times we have to wait. It must be an important mystery because there is so much waiting in our lives.
Everyday is filled with those little moments of waiting (testing our patience and our nerves, schooling us in self-control.) We wait for meals to be served, for a letter to arrive, for a friend to call or show up for a date. We wait in line at cinemas and theaters, concerts and circuses. Our airline terminals, railway stations and bus depots are great temples of waiting filled with men and women who wait in joy for the arrival of a loved one - or wait in sadness to say goodbye and give the last wave of hand. We wait for springs to come - or autumn - for the rains to begin and stop.
And we wait for ourselves to grow from childhood to maturity. We wait for those inner voices that tell us when we are ready for the next stop.
We wait for graduation, for our first job, our first promotion. We wait for success and recognition. We wait to grow up - to reach the stage where we make our own decisions. We cannot remove this waiting from our lives. It is a part of the tapestry of living - the fabric in which the threads are woven to tell the story of our lives.
Yet current philosophies would have us forget the need to wait "grab all the gusto you can get." So reads one of America's greatest beer ads - get it now! Instant pleasure, instant transcendence. Do not wait for anything. Life is short - eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you will die. And so they rationalize us into accepting unlicensed and irresponsible freedom- pre-marital sex and extra marital affairs - they warn against attachments and commitments - against expecting anything of anybody, or allowing them to expect anything of us - against dropping any anchors in the currents of our life that will cause us to hold and wait.
This may be the correct prescription for pleasure - but even that is fleeting and doubtful - what was it Shakespeare said about the mad pursuit of pleasure - "Past reason hunted, and once had, past reason hated." Not if we wish to be real human beings, spirit as well as flesh, soul as well as heart, we have to learn to wait. For if we never learn to wait, we will never learn to love someone other than ourselves.
For most of all waiting means waiting for someone else. It is a mystery, brushing by our face everyday like a stray wind of leaf falling from a tree. Anyone who has loved knows how much waiting goes into it - how much waiting is important for love to grow, to flourish through a lifetime.
Why is this? Why can we not have it right now what we so desperately want and need? Why must we wait - two years, three years - and seemingly waste so much time? You might as well ask why a tree should take so long to bear fruit - the seed to flower - carbon to change to diamond.
There is no simple answer - no more than there is to life's other demands -having to say goodbye to someone you love because either you or they have made other commitments; or because they have to grow and find the meaning of their own lives - having yourself to leave home and loved ones to find your own path - good-byes, like waiting, are also sacraments of our lives.
All we know is that growth - the budding, the flowering of love needs patient waiting. We have to give each other a time to grow. There is no way we can make someone else truly love us or we them, except through time. So we give each other that mysterious gift of waiting - of being present without asking demands and rewards. There is nothing harder to do than this. It truly tests the depth and sincerity of our love. But there is life in the gift we give.
So lovers wait for each other - until they can see things the same way - or let each other freely see things in quite different ways.
There are times when lovers hurt each other and cannot regain the balance of intimacy of the way they were. They have to wait - in silence - but still present to each other - until the pain subsides to an ache and then only a memory and the threads of the tapestry can be woven together again in a single love story.
What do we lose when we refuse to wait; when we try to find shortcuts through life - then we try to incubate love and rush blindly and foolishly into a commitment we are neither mature nor responsible enough to assume? We lose the hope of truly loving or of being loved. Think of all the great love stories of history and literature - isn't it of their very essence that they are filled with this strange but common mystery - that waiting is part of the substance - the basic fabric against which the story of that true love is written.
How can we ever find either life or true love if we are too impatient to wait for it?
Waiting is a good thing only if something is worth waiting for.
How will you know if it's worth it? Gut feel.
What if you don't trust your gut? Pray. You will be enlightened. Trust me.
Is it wrong to expect while waiting? It's not wrong, but it will increase your chances of heartbreak and disappointment if things don't work out in the end.
Is it good to expect while waiting? It is better to HOPE.
What's the difference between hoping and expecting? HOPING means you're open to either side of the coin landing though you're more inclined to believe that things will turn out well. EXPECTING means you're thinking single-track...which won't do you much good at all.
What's the difference between waiting and expecting? EXPECTING is waiting for something TO DEFINITELY HAPPEN. WAITING is staying where you are, but not necessarily expecting something to happen definitely.
Do you need assurance from someone you're waiting for while you're waiting? Ideally, yes. But realistically, do you really want assurance from this person? It's so easy to just point at something and make that the reason why you're waiting ("Because she said..." "Because he told me that...").
With WAITING, all you really can rely on are 3 things: your gut feel, your heart and mind. Just YOURSELF, not anyone else.
So should you wait? What does your gut say? How does your heart feel? What does your mind think? If they're saying different things, keep asking yourself these 3 questions (and pray!) until you get a solid answer.
THEN you'll know if he or she is worth waiting for.

Friday, June 23, 2006


21st of June… I made myself vulnerable… and became intimate with him… Joshua Harris said that “the joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment…” Am I ready to commit? Well… I have been committing myself to this person so long time ago… and simply because my love for him is a decision and come from loving Christ. I hope you’ll be blessed to read this… May God be praised!!!

Let me tell you this... not too long time ago… I found the seed of faith that God gave me… I was slowly growing in love with Christ but I need to give it up for my relationship then… we don’t share the same faith… our relationship was based on the world’s standards… our love for each other was based on how we satisfy and fulfill each other’s needs… our commitment and intimacy was based on the passion we have for each other… I would not say it was a bad relationship for because of it, I have become better… and I would always be thankful to Ali… after 5 years… it ended… leaving me wounded… but guess what? God wants to write my love story…

Latter part of my relationship then was a mess… then my cousin introduced me to Ryane… it started with hi and hello… the bet… the coffee… the books… and the rest was history… realizing how far we have gone through would really be a surprised to everyone… especially to those people who are close to me… why? HE IS EVERYTHING I WRITE AGAINST… But want to know the secret??? WE ARE PRAYER PARTNERS… the very day I knew him… I already asked God to nourish his faith… that we will someday shares the same love for Christ. I was not really a Christian then… but I kept on praying… then came a point my relationship enkindled… I need to make a choice… I silently said goodbye to him, (still have the letter with me…) I knew he became very special and saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do… months passed we seldom have talk and I thought that should be the thing… I made my commitment to make my relationship then work… but I never stop praying to God that He will nourish his faith and use him for HIS glory. True enough… I knew he was with SFC… I am not really convinced with the community he was in but still I am truly thankful. Then, the feelings never stop… the longing never ended… I kept on praying… that God would take him away from me… I fought hard each day… there’s no reason for me to fall in love with him… I prayed each day… submitting the desires of my heart to God and asking for what is right.

True enough… the relationship ended…. I was so devastated… who wouldn’t? I felt it was too late since I already commit myself to the relationship, planned my life according to it… I tried to bargain God… I always do that every time we had a fight… but He did not agree to it… I stopped trading… I rested… I stopped praying… but someone… somewhere… there’s this one person who is constantly praying for my happiness and for what is right in my life. He silently hoped and wished for my goodness… *kilig*

It was not an easy journey… but I was blessed that it never took me forever to accept HIS grace and HIS will. My birthday came and there I know God perfectly made things to happen… I was silently wishing, Ryane would call… for the first time after everything that happened I felt blissful… I can’t discern His will then… Ryane did call and the very first person who greeted me at 12 Midnight. He made this day special… with the flowers… I felt so happy reading the card that comes with it… I prayed for him again… this time, thanking God for answering my prayer. He did nourish Ryane’s faith… and even more…

Months passed and I knew… I have never let him go… and all the more I longed for him… but really God is a God of secrets… he did not reveal HIS plans sooner than I thought of… impatient that I am… I challenged HIM… this time… I was asking God to take him away from me if my feeling does not come from Him and if we are not meant to be… so I can preserve myself to the one I am truly meant for. I go on convincing myself it was over… and was holding on to God’s promise… My GG will come in HIS perfect time…

When God wanted things to happen… it will… “be careful what you wish for”, Joshua Harris said… God called me… He perfectly laid HIS plans… in spite of my prejudices against SFC CFC… he called me to serve in that same community I hated the most… I saw how he blessed Ryane with pains and joys… and I give it a shot… I eventually finished my CLP and the more I know God and how unconditional His love is, the more I waited for Ryane… wishing and praying for his happiness… because of God’s love in me… I learned to love someone with everything that he is…was and will be… and for the first time… statue was not an issue to me… luxury in life is just a bonus… what’s important is… he can be my prayer partner… someone I can praise and worship with… someone who is also so in love with Christ and will follow His will…

I let things unfold… and I am claiming it… He is my God’s Gift…

Well, after all this time… we finally have our commitment… and it’s a covenant we will protect. The prayer time we have… brings us closer to God and to each other… getting intimate with each other in Christ… enjoying friendship with Christ together… yearning to pleased God everyday of our lives… allowing God to use us to HIS pleasure and glory. I am not sugar coating and certainly there’s no smoke of clouds in my eyes. I am seeing the reality and that’s why I am asking God’s grace to continue nourishing us and hopefully we will grow in love in Christ. That we can faithfully and patiently wait for HIS perfect time. This is not an easy journey… I have my lonesome days and crying nights wanting to be with him… but God has better plans for us… and we are truly relying on HIS grace… all I know is that this is the kind of love God wanted us to have… unconditional… seeks one’s goodness, embraces one’s weakness, and willing to give ourselves for each other… Love that is deepens with our commitment to bring pleasure and glory to God. It is really a work in progress… thanks to our friends and family who keep on praying for us…

“Where is true joy? It’s found in God’s brand of love – love founded on faithfulness, love rooted in commitment. The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment.”

Thanks Honey… I will remain in you as I remain CHRIST…

One Great Adventure...

This is us... 14 different people... One goal: "ONE BIG FIGHT FOR THE LORD, YES LORD"


Rhod: very silent yet deep person... in his thoughts...How could you know it's the WILL of God when you have FREE WILL?

Melaine: sleep anyone??? Wow! I am truly amazed on how enthusiastic she is... not to mention she haven't slept for three straight days... Well, everything is GRACE in GOD!

Ems: she never ceases to smile... sweet and delicate... a faithful and committed partner!

Jhen: she almost would not make it... God tried to test her Faith then and truly a woman of strength...

Art: one great buddy... willing to do everything to help... willing to give her moves for the LORD>>> sayaw lang!!!

Tina: timid, shy... pretty... crush ng bayan... she can be extremely silent... but wait 'till you discover the humor inside her!

Claire: CLARA as we call her... she is the very friendly among... resident make up artist... she seems naive at times and can be extremely funny... she will quote your lines and imitate your moves! hay! CG is never funny with out you... and oh by the way, she has an eye for beauty!

Jean: a free spirited fashionista... she loves to dress up... thanks for lending us your wardrobe... you will be very overwhelmed when she dances... a graceful dancer and true servant... she never say no!

JR: our resident GUITARIST...CHOREOGRAPHER... and the very reason why all of us eventually love JAZZ Dance. He has been in the community longer than we thought of... KFC... YFC and Finally SFC... he is actually an active member of the community... a truly talented person and serves GOD with all his heart...

Irvin: he is our household head. I sometimes don't understand his views especially in a relationship but I am truly proud of him... we look up to him... he is very supportive in our Christian Walk and always willing to be with us no matter what... when and even how far it is... whenever we need a kuya... a friend or simply someone we just want to vent with!

Carmen: she is a true beauty inside and out... someone who never stop until she is there... she really manage to pamper us, be with us, share our sorrows, laugh with us, support us, especially me in all my "confused days"and even if how busy her schedule is she finds time... a very deep person and full of wisdom and always ready to embrace us in all our weakness!

Bryan: well... what can I say??? A true and committed friend... he is a person you will like to have as a best friend... he is always there and you can talk to him anything from a girl thing... life drama... mushy and cheesy love stories... sobrang lucky ng magiging girlfriend nito... a committed Christian and so in love with Christ... above all, will always find time for me and Hazel... Thanks Bry!

Hazel: someone I truly admired of! one woman who embodies a life of a true Christian... she never failed to lift up my spirit no matter how downhearted I am... my emotional support and someone I can be me... she will share your sorrows and joys with... she will really find time to seek and comfort you... she is everything to me... a friend... a sister and a family... above all, she is always there for me and Bryan...Thanks Haze!

To all of you: it will always be a joyful journey with you... thanks for all the love and support... i know life will never be the same without you and thanks really for the gift of friendship I shared with you... We may have different lives and different way of seeing it, I know we all have the same love for Christ and spirit in serving him... I am commiting myself to loving you in all your weakness...

God bless and may GOD be praised...All glory belongs to HIM...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No more slums… no more violence… no more poverty…

Yesterday was GK National Freedom Build… and wow… God is so good and magnificent to have guided GK leaders and empowered them so that GK will continue to inspire people… believers or unbelievers alike…

I was so overwhelmed yesterday to be with the youth… and whew… these kids are truly worthy to be called youth for CHRIST… They are truly inspiring and believe me they worship GOD as if it will be their last worship… I felt so blessed being with them… I was crying and rejoicing that God is working in them. Instead of them spending their time at home watching TV or spending their time for pleasure, they choose to be with us… building houses… cleaning the area… playing with the street children… and they never get tired… truly amazing… what I am praying right now is that they will continue to be in service for God in spite of.

Speaking of service to the poor? This is what I love about this work… you’ve got to be with people who have different perspective about life. Wow… I felt I am back to my first love… PSYCHOLOGY… would you believe it that in spite of how good and how wonderful the vision and mission of Gawad Kalinga (GK), there are still people who are not welcoming it… despising it… When I first learned about the works of GK I fell in love with it right then and there and really push myself to be a part of it… I want to serve this people (that’s what I often told myself). I felt so bad when I was blurted with the reality that not all are happy and agreeable with it. We were having the clean up drive while the rest helped in building the house. Guess what? Filipinos are truly arrogant… sorry for the word and I know I should be proud of my “kapwa Pilipino”. But how could I be when they don’t even realized their blessing and all they can do is complain… they were provided with a decent house, yet they want to stay with their “barung – barong”. They were educated on how to do a living yet they opted to do chit chats with their neighbors and talk about the lives of other people. They were taught to maintain cleanliness yet they can’t even maintain their hygiene. I am not generalizing but truly I felt sad… and I am very happy that there are still people who continue to believe that there will be a better tomorrow for all of us. I went home with a heavy heart not that because this people are useless… but because I am so overwhelmed and my spirit is soaring high above anticipating the challenge I am facing… I will live to see these days renewed…

I am so blessed today… honestly, I am so broke but I am still joyful for God is so good. All this we give thanks and glory to God. May God be praised for every life that is changed… God bless everyone... Oh By the way... Thanks Bryan for being there with me...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Here and There... meeting both ends!!!

"Lord if my feelings for him does not come from you and if he is not meant for me... then take him away from me..." I had this prayer a month ago... I have read the signs and I know... God has other plans... so I started to let go and forget about him...

While I was busy suppressing what I feel inside... and I finally affirmed the fact He is not coming back home... something happened... he had an accident... was unconscious... then he is back... truly God wanted me to know His plans... and all I could do is embrace it again... I hope we will both grow in love with Christ.

Today was a very powerful night... we prayed together... and my body and my whole being was rejoicing since God is working between us... I am so blessed and this is truly a dream come true... we made an agreement that we will find time to pray together regardless of the distance between us. It will be a time solely for us... our time for each other... 5pm here and 12 Noon there...

Can things get better than this? Nah... I don't think so... no one can ever satisfy you than GOD...

I still have the same prayer and I know God is working between us. I am surrending everything for His better glory. And I am claiming it...

All praises and glory belongs to GOD!!!