Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No more slums… no more violence… no more poverty…

Yesterday was GK National Freedom Build… and wow… God is so good and magnificent to have guided GK leaders and empowered them so that GK will continue to inspire people… believers or unbelievers alike…

I was so overwhelmed yesterday to be with the youth… and whew… these kids are truly worthy to be called youth for CHRIST… They are truly inspiring and believe me they worship GOD as if it will be their last worship… I felt so blessed being with them… I was crying and rejoicing that God is working in them. Instead of them spending their time at home watching TV or spending their time for pleasure, they choose to be with us… building houses… cleaning the area… playing with the street children… and they never get tired… truly amazing… what I am praying right now is that they will continue to be in service for God in spite of.

Speaking of service to the poor? This is what I love about this work… you’ve got to be with people who have different perspective about life. Wow… I felt I am back to my first love… PSYCHOLOGY… would you believe it that in spite of how good and how wonderful the vision and mission of Gawad Kalinga (GK), there are still people who are not welcoming it… despising it… When I first learned about the works of GK I fell in love with it right then and there and really push myself to be a part of it… I want to serve this people (that’s what I often told myself). I felt so bad when I was blurted with the reality that not all are happy and agreeable with it. We were having the clean up drive while the rest helped in building the house. Guess what? Filipinos are truly arrogant… sorry for the word and I know I should be proud of my “kapwa Pilipino”. But how could I be when they don’t even realized their blessing and all they can do is complain… they were provided with a decent house, yet they want to stay with their “barung – barong”. They were educated on how to do a living yet they opted to do chit chats with their neighbors and talk about the lives of other people. They were taught to maintain cleanliness yet they can’t even maintain their hygiene. I am not generalizing but truly I felt sad… and I am very happy that there are still people who continue to believe that there will be a better tomorrow for all of us. I went home with a heavy heart not that because this people are useless… but because I am so overwhelmed and my spirit is soaring high above anticipating the challenge I am facing… I will live to see these days renewed…

I am so blessed today… honestly, I am so broke but I am still joyful for God is so good. All this we give thanks and glory to God. May God be praised for every life that is changed… God bless everyone... Oh By the way... Thanks Bryan for being there with me...

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