Friday, September 28, 2007


Not sooo long time ago... Cathy's news of her getting married... was truly a shocked for Pot, Reng and Me... Whoa... who would've thought, Cathy is the most dorky, nerdy and so "manang" among the barkada. Not to mention that she does not even miss class no matter how much we convinced her and among the barkada I am the one who actually considers housewife my ultimate career. NOW she is finally a wife to Marvin and a mother to Yuri. Yuri is our first baby and with his coming I know it opens another avenue for us to be closer all the more. Actually, in all those tough times I know no matter the distance, we always have each other... Funny, how things can be so ironic at times. I always wanted that kind of life: Housewife and a Mom... But this isn't about me... This is about Cathy. Now seeing how are things with her and how she manages to see through it makes me soooooooo proud of her. She is sooooooooo grown up now. From us talking about work, books, latest cellphones and all sorts now to us talking about marriage, real-life issues, and most of all about YURI.
Congratulations Cathy and Marvin.

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